Exploring Aerospike Database with Examples in C#

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Exploring Aerospike Database with Examples in C#


Aerospike is a high-performance NoSQL database that is known for its exceptional speed, scalability, and ease of use. It is designed to handle real-time, mission-critical workloads with low-latency requirements. In this article, we will delve into the features of Aerospike and demonstrate how to work with it using C#.

Why Aerospike?

Aerospike is a popular choice for applications that require low-latency, high-throughput data access. It excels in scenarios where millisecond response times are crucial, such as real-time analytics, personalized content delivery, and user profile management. Here are some key features that set Aerospike apart:

  1. Performance: Aerospike is optimized for both read and write operations, allowing it to deliver sub-millisecond latencies even at high loads.

  2. Scalability: It offers automatic data distribution and seamless horizontal scaling, making it suitable for applications that need to grow with their data requirements.

  3. Data Model: Aerospike supports a key-value data model, making it simple and intuitive to work with. It also supports secondary indexes for efficient querying.

  4. Consistency: It provides tunable consistency levels, allowing you to balance between data consistency and availability according to your application's needs.

  5. In-Memory and Flash Storage: Aerospike supports in-memory and flash storage options, enabling you to manage hot and cold data effectively.

  6. ACID Transactions: Aerospike supports ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions for maintaining data integrity.

Architecture of Aerospike Database

Let's explore the key components and concepts that make up the architecture of Aerospike.

1. Cluster Architecture:

Aerospike operates in a distributed cluster architecture, where multiple nodes collaborate to store and manage data. Each node can be part of multiple namespaces, and the data is automatically partitioned and distributed across nodes. This architecture allows for horizontal scaling, enabling the database to handle increasing amounts of data and traffic as the application's demands grow.

2. Namespace and Set:

Aerospike's data model revolves around namespaces and sets. A namespace is a logical container that holds a group of sets, which are analogous to tables in relational databases. Each set contains records, and records are individual data items identified by a unique key. This flexible data model allows for efficient organization of data based on use cases and data access patterns.










primary key



3. Key

A "key" refers to a unique identifier that is used to access and distinguish individual records within a set. A key is essentially a value that allows you to perform operations like reading, writing, and deleting specific records from the database.

4. Indexing:

Aerospike supports both primary and secondary indexes. The primary index is automatically created on the record's primary key, allowing for quick retrieval of records by their keys. Secondary indexes are manually created and enable querying records based on other attributes beyond the primary key. Secondary indexes are stored in memory, enhancing query performance.

5. In-Memory and Disk Storage:

Aerospike offers a combination of in-memory and disk-based storage. This hybrid storage approach allows frequently accessed data to reside in memory for ultra-fast access, while less frequently used data is stored on disk. This tiered storage strategy optimizes the use of resources and provides a balance between speed and capacity.

6. Data Distribution and Sharding:

Data distribution is a critical aspect of Aerospike's architecture. The database automatically partitions data into slices called partitions, and each partition is assigned to a node. The partitioning is based on the record's primary key, ensuring even distribution of data across nodes. This approach enhances parallelism and prevents hotspots.

7. Replication:

Aerospike uses replication for data durability and fault tolerance. Data can be replicated across multiple nodes to ensure that a copy of each record exists on different machines. This replication strategy enhances data availability, as the database can still function even if some nodes fail.

8. Strong Consistency and Eventual Consistency:

Aerospike offers configurable consistency levels to accommodate different application requirements. Strong consistency ensures that the most recent write is always read, ensuring data accuracy at the cost of potential performance impact. Eventual consistency allows for faster reads by potentially returning slightly outdated data.

9. Write-ahead Logging (WAL):

Aerospike employs a Write-ahead Logging mechanism to ensure data durability. When a write operation is performed, the data is first written to a write-ahead log. Once the write is confirmed in the log, it is applied to the data storage. This process guarantees that data is not lost even in the event of crashes.

10. Cross Datacenter Replication (XDR):

For global applications, Aerospike offers Cross Datacenter Replication (XDR), allowing data to be replicated across different geographical regions. This feature ensures data consistency and availability across data centers while maintaining low-latency access for local operations.

11. User-Defined Functions (UDFs):

Aerospike supports User-Defined Functions (UDFs), which are custom code snippets written by developers. UDFs can be executed on the server-side to perform complex data transformations or computations. This feature enhances query capabilities and offloads processing from the client side.

Getting Started with Aerospike in C#

To work with Aerospike in C#, you need to use the Aerospike .NET client library, which provides an easy way to interact with the database. You can install the library using NuGet:

Install-Package AerospikeClient

Example 1: Connecting to Aerospike

using Aerospike;
using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        AerospikeClient client = new AerospikeClient("", 3000);

        if (client.Connected)
            Console.WriteLine("Connected to Aerospike!");
            Console.WriteLine("Connection to Aerospike failed.");


Example 2: Writing Data

using Aerospike;
using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        AerospikeClient client = new AerospikeClient("", 3000);

        // Define the key for your record
        string namespaceName = "test";  // Replace with your namespace
        string setName = "demo";        // Replace with your set name
        string keyValue = "key1";       // Replace with your key value
        Key key = new Key(namespaceName, setName, keyValue);

        // Define the bin name and value
        string binName = "bin1";        // Replace with your bin name
        string binValue = "Hello, Aerospike!";

        // Create a Bin object
        Bin bin1 = new Bin(binName, binValue);

        // Write the bin to the record
        client.Put(null, key, bin1);

        Console.WriteLine("Data written successfully!");


In this example, you import the Aerospike namespace and create an instance of the AerospikeClient class. Then, you define the components of the key: the namespace name, the set name, and the key value. Using these components, you create a Key object. Then you proceed to define a bin name and the corresponding value. Then, you create a Bin object using the bin name and value. After that, you use the Put method of the Aerospike client to write the bin to the specified record associated with the key.

Example 3: Reading Data

using Aerospike;
using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        AerospikeClient client = new AerospikeClient("", 3000);

        // Define the key for your record
        string namespaceName = "test";  // Replace with your namespace
        string setName = "demo";        // Replace with your set name
        string keyValue = "key1";       // Replace with your key value
        Key key = new Key(namespaceName, setName, keyValue);

        //Read the record by providing key
        Record record = client.Get(null, key);

        if (record != null)
            foreach (var bin in record.bins)
                Console.WriteLine($"{bin.Key} : {bin.Value}");
            Console.WriteLine("Record not found.");


Example 4: Writing and reading multiple records in Aerospike

Below is a C# example that demonstrates how to write and read multiple records with multiple bins in Aerospike using the Aerospike .NET client library:

using Aerospike;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Aerospike client initialization
        AerospikeClient client = new AerospikeClient("", 3000);

        // Define the components of the key
        string namespaceName = "test";  // Replace with your namespace
        string setName = "demo";        // Replace with your set name

        // Prepare data to write
        List<Record> recordsToWrite = new List<Record>
            new Record("key1", new Bin("bin1", "Value 1"), new Bin("bin2", 10)),
            new Record("key2", new Bin("bin1", "Value 2"), new Bin("bin2", 20)),
            new Record("key3", new Bin("bin1", "Value 3"), new Bin("bin2", 30))

        // Write the records in one shot
        client.Put(null, recordsToWrite.ToArray());

        Console.WriteLine("Records written successfully.");

        // Prepare a list of keys to read
        List<string> keyValuesToRead = new List<string>
            "key1", "key2", "key3"

        // Convert key values to actual Key objects
        List<Key> keys = keyValuesToRead.ConvertAll(keyValue => new Key(namespaceName, setName, keyValue));

        // Batch read the records
        Record[] records = client.Get(null, keys.ToArray());

        // Process the retrieved records
        for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; i++)
            if (records[i] != null)
                Console.WriteLine($"Read record {keyValuesToRead[i]}:");
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> bin in records[i].bins)
                    Console.WriteLine($"  {bin.Key}: {bin.Value}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Record {keyValuesToRead[i]} not found.");

        // Close the Aerospike client

In this example, the program writes three records with keys "key1" through "key3", and each record has three bins with different data types: a string, an integer, and a timestamp (string representing DateTime). The keys, namespaces, and set names should be replaced with your actual values.

The program first prepares a list of Record objects, where each record contains multiple bins. The records are then written to the database in one shot using the Put method. After writing, the program prepares a list of Key objects representing the keys to be read, and then uses the BatchGet method to retrieve records for those keys.

This approach efficiently combines both writing and reading operations, reducing network round-trips and enhancing performance when dealing with multiple records.

This example demonstrates how to work with multiple records and multiple bins, showcasing the flexibility of the Aerospike data model using the Aerospike .NET client library.

Example 5: Dealing with complex bins by using anonymous types

Here's an example where both writing and reading multiple records with complex objects as bins are done in one shot using the Aerospike .NET client library:

using Aerospike;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Aerospike client initialization
        AerospikeClient client = new AerospikeClient("", 3000);

        // Define the components of the key
        string namespaceName = "test";  // Replace with your namespace
        string setName = "demo";        // Replace with your set name

        // Prepare data to write
        List<Record> recordsToWrite = new List<Record>
            new Record("key1", 
                new Bin("bin1", new { Name = "John", Age = 30 }),
                new Bin("bin2", new { City = "New York", Country = "USA" })),
            new Record("key2", 
                new Bin("bin1", new { Name = "Alice", Age = 28 }),
                new Bin("bin2", new { City = "London", Country = "UK" })),
            new Record("key3", 
                new Bin("bin1", new { Name = "Bob", Age = 25 }),
                new Bin("bin2", new { City = "Sydney", Country = "Australia" }))

        // Write the records in one shot
        client.Put(null, recordsToWrite.ToArray());

        Console.WriteLine("Records written successfully.");

        // Prepare a list of keys to read
        List<string> keyValuesToRead = new List<string>
            "key1", "key2", "key3"

        // Convert key values to actual Key objects
        List<Key> keys = keyValuesToRead.ConvertAll(keyValue => new Key(namespaceName, setName, keyValue));

        // Batch read the records
        Record[] records = client.Get(null, keys.ToArray());

        // Process the retrieved records
        for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; i++)
            if (records[i] != null)
                Console.WriteLine($"Read record {keyValuesToRead[i]}:");
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> bin in records[i].bins)
                    Console.WriteLine($"  {bin.Key}: {bin.Value}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Record {keyValuesToRead[i]} not found.");

        // Close the Aerospike client

In this example, the program prepares a list of Record objects, where each record contains complex objects as bins. These complex objects are defined using anonymous types to represent various attributes. The records are then written to the database using the Put method. After writing, the program prepares a list of Key objects representing the keys to be read, and then uses the BatchGet method to retrieve records for those keys.

This example demonstrates how to work with complex objects as bins when writing and reading records in one shot using the Aerospike .NET client library.

Example 6: Using concrete classes instead of anonymous types to represent bins

In this example, I'll demonstrate how to use concrete classes as bin values for writing and reading records in one shot using the Aerospike .NET client library:

using Aerospike;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

// Define a class to represent personal information
public class PersonalInfo
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

// Define a class to represent location information
public class LocationInfo
    public string City { get; set; }
    public string Country { get; set; }

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Aerospike client initialization
        AerospikeClient client = new AerospikeClient("", 3000);

        // Define the components of the key
        string namespaceName = "test";  // Replace with your namespace
        string setName = "demo";        // Replace with your set name

        // Prepare data to write
        List<Record> recordsToWrite = new List<Record>
            new Record("key1", 
                new Bin("bin1", new PersonalInfo { Name = "John", Age = 30 }),
                new Bin("bin2", new LocationInfo { City = "New York", Country = "USA" })),
            new Record("key2", 
                new Bin("bin1", new PersonalInfo { Name = "Alice", Age = 28 }),
                new Bin("bin2", new LocationInfo { City = "London", Country = "UK" })),
            new Record("key3", 
                new Bin("bin1", new PersonalInfo { Name = "Bob", Age = 25 }),
                new Bin("bin2", new LocationInfo { City = "Sydney", Country = "Australia" }))

        // Write the records in one shot
        client.Put(null, recordsToWrite.ToArray());

        Console.WriteLine("Records written successfully.");

        // Prepare a list of keys to read
        List<string> keyValuesToRead = new List<string>
            "key1", "key2", "key3"

        // Convert key values to actual Key objects
        List<Key> keys = keyValuesToRead.ConvertAll(keyValue => new Key(namespaceName, setName, keyValue));

        // Batch read the records
        Record[] records = client.Get(null, keys.ToArray());

        // Process the retrieved records
        for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; i++)
            if (records[i] != null)
                Console.WriteLine($"Read record {keyValuesToRead[i]}:");
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> bin in records[i].bins)
                    Console.WriteLine($"  {bin.Key}: {bin.Value}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Record {keyValuesToRead[i]} not found.");

        // Close the Aerospike client

In this example, I've defined two concrete classes, PersonalInfo and LocationInfo, to represent personal and location information, respectively. These classes are used as bin values when writing records. The rest of the code remains similar to the previous example.

Using concrete classes to represent bin values enhances code readability and maintainability by providing a clear structure for the data stored in bins. This approach also allows you to add methods and additional properties to the classes for more advanced functionality.

Example 7: Filter the bins you want to read

Here's an example where you can fetch specific bins for multiple records using the Aerospike .NET client library:

using Aerospike;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

// Define a class to represent personal information
public class PersonalInfo
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

// Define a class to represent location information
public class LocationInfo
    public string City { get; set; }
    public string Country { get; set; }

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Aerospike client initialization
        AerospikeClient client = new AerospikeClient("", 3000);

        // Define the components of the key
        string namespaceName = "test";  // Replace with your namespace
        string setName = "demo";        // Replace with your set name

        // Prepare a list of keys to read
        List<string> keyValuesToRead = new List<string>
            "key1", "key2", "key3"

        // Convert key values to actual Key objects
        List<Key> keys = keyValuesToRead.ConvertAll(keyValue => new Key(namespaceName, setName, keyValue));

        // Specify the bins you want to read
        List<string> binsToRead = new List<string>
            "bin1", "bin2"

        // Batch read only the specified bins
        Record[] records = client.Get(null, keys.ToArray(), binsToRead.ToArray());

        // Process the retrieved records
        for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; i++)
            if (records[i] != null)
                Console.WriteLine($"Read record {keyValuesToRead[i]}:");
                foreach (string binName in binsToRead)
                    if (records[i].bins.TryGetValue(binName, out object binValue) && binValue != null)
                        // Deserialize the complex-type bin value based on the bin name
                        if (binName == "bin1")
                            PersonalInfo personalInfo = client.GetAs<PersonalInfo>(binValue);
                            Console.WriteLine($"  {binName}: Name={personalInfo.Name}, Age={personalInfo.Age}");
                        else if (binName == "bin2")
                            LocationInfo locationInfo = client.GetAs<LocationInfo>(binValue);
                            Console.WriteLine($"  {binName}: City={locationInfo.City}, Country={locationInfo.Country}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  {binName}: Not found.");
                Console.WriteLine($"Record {keyValuesToRead[i]} not found.");

        // Close the Aerospike client

In this example, the specified complex-type bins (bin1 and bin2) are read from multiple records. The GetAs method is used to deserialize the bin values into the appropriate complex-type classes (PersonalInfo and LocationInfo) based on the bin name.

This approach allows you to fetch only specific complex-type bins for multiple records, deserialize their values, and process the data accordingly.


Aerospike is a powerful NoSQL database that excels in delivering high performance and low-latency data access. Its simple key-value data model, scalability, and ACID transaction support make it an excellent choice for real-time applications with demanding requirements. With the Aerospike .NET client library, integrating Aerospike into your C# applications becomes straightforward, allowing you to harness the benefits of this robust database technology.